Our Mission

In 2018, when our son was born, it wasn't without complications. However, that pales in comparison to what we went through six months later.

After nights of screaming and fighting what we believed to be an ear infection, on July 4, 2019, we checked our little boy into the hospital. He was constantly crying, clearly in pain. The only way he would sleep through the night was with the help of pain relievers. He was also regressing developmentally, no longer moving and crawling as before.

After about a week at the hospital, the doctors were ready to send him home, unable to find an explanation for the problems. Finally, a new doctor decided an MRI would be needed. Everything changed that day.

They found a tumor in his spinal cavity. He went into surgery and began chemo all within 24 hours. It was a horrible thing to go through, but thankfully, there were so many people there to help us along the way. Some of these people included Cure, The Ronald McDonald House Charities, the amazing teams at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta, and our church family. We know all too well how important these groups are, and that's why we want to give back and help others in this situation.

It's been over two years since our son's last treatment, and praise God, he was treated faster than any doctor expected. He's growing, happy, healthy, and strong.

Now we want to give back and do our part to help other families and children in a similar situation. So, we’ve decided to donate a percentage of our profits to causes focusing on helping childhood cancer research and the affected families.

To anyone who finds themselves in a similar place, remember these words that gave us hope and strength to push through:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:5-6